Monday, October 19, 2009

My Christmas List

It's getting around to that time of year again. When that tubby, jolly red faced man pops down the chimney and leaves me lots of pressies under the Christmas tree (that's if he can find room around the Bachmann G scale train I have running there, that is).
So quite naturally I've been giving some thought to what I'd like him to bring me this year. I might just ask for one of those Walthers HO scale Ore dock kits and I really would like a set of DMIR Jennies if they are still in production. But that kinda sorta sets me up to build an HO scale ore dock layout doesn't it...

Friday, October 16, 2009

The last use of the dreadful pun...

"Awe-docker" I thought it was fun to start with when I was getting things established here behind the scenes "Tiny Taconite Trains", my other choice was too much of a mouthful. Any how I'm sure most folks will groan at the dreadful pun but what the heck.
The last use of the pun is here This will be the gallery of pictures of the Lake Superior Ore Docks. At the moment its just the SOO line dock at Ashland but pictures of the others will follow.

Get the bad pun out of the way right away

Great lakes ore docks are pretty fascinating things. I've been fascinated by them, OK in Awe (bad pun taken care of) since I first saw one close up when I came to live in America. In fact on our honeymoon I think my wife and I saw all the Minnesota Ore docks close up Duluth, Two Harbors, Taconite Harbour and Silver Bay. I remember jokingly suggesting that we get T-shirts printed that said "Taconite Tour" on them.

In the intervening years I have discovered the Ore Docks in Superior, Wisconsin and become very very familiar with the Ore Dock in Ashland, Wisconsin too. Being a noted model railway enthusiast and proclaimed "prolific layout builder" I'd really love to be able to recreate an ore dock scene on a layout and that is essentially what this blog is about. Agonising over building a model railway based on a Lake Superior ore dock. I'll post my thoughts about Ore docks real and model. What I plan to do and how I plan to do it. I'll have some great ideas and I'll curse a lot when I can't do what I want to do. I'm sure there will be layout plans and all sorts of ideas thrown about. Feel free to chime in with any other ideas and comments yourself especially if you are knowledgeable about Ore docks because I'm learning something new all the time.

Thats it really sometimes there will be a flurry of activity, sometimes nothing. I hope you'll come along for the ride.